Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Prince of Peace

March 24, 2010
"What does Jesus mean to you?" That is the last question in the first chapter of a bible study I am preparing to teach. What a loaded question, I could write a book on what Jesus means to me, and as I began to form the words in my mind to put to paper the same answer kept coming back to me; "Peace". That's the one word that say's it all. I speak his name and I have peace.
In this time when there are wars, and earthquakes and economic crisis, I have peace. No matter what is going on in my life, good, bad, or indifferent I have peace in the name of Jesus. Just call his name "Jesus" Prince of Peace.
Just a thought.

Monday, March 22, 2010

His will and His way

Do you ever wish that instead of free will, God would just wake us up every morning and say "OK, this is what I want you to do today. And this is exactly how I want you to do it."?

But, that is not how He does it. At least not for me.

Instead He just uses gentle persuasion to guided me to the path He has chosen. My problem is sometimes life distracts me and I find myself on a detour.

That's why I constantly pray that God will lead me in His will and in His way. And in His wonderful mercy he always leads me back to the path He has set for me.

Lord thank you for your patience with me.

Eph. 5:10 Figure out what pleases Christ and do it.!

Just a thought

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Are you married to Jesus?

Are you married to Jesus or just dating him?

When you are dating, you are just two people enjoying each others company for short periods of time. At the end of the date you go your seperate ways, leading seperate lives.

But when you decide to join your lives together as one in marriage you become joint heirs of all that life has for you. Everything that is his/hers becomes yours and all that is yours becomes his/hers. When you become totally devoted to each other, you pull together in good times and in bad. You make it through together, never leaving the other behind. You are one for eternity.

Now I ask you again.

Are you married to Jesus or just dating him?

Hosea 2: 19-20, And I will betroth you unto me forever; yea I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgement and in loving kindness an in mercies, I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness, and thou shalt know the Lord.

Just a thought

Monday, March 8, 2010

TEAM work.

Did you know that he word ”TEAM” is an acronym that means “Together Everyone Accomplishes More.”
We all have different strengths and talents (things we are good at) I don’t like the word talent it makes me think of musical talents or artistic talents, when really it takes talent to calm a crying child or to coordinate a dinner, even teaching a Sunday school class takes some talent.
Some talents come naturally and some are learned, believe it or not I actually am very shy and there was a time not very long ago I could not speak in public, but I have worked hard at getting over it and forced myself to do what God was calling me to do. I just had to step out in faith and try something totally foreign to me. And I feel so blessed at what the Lord is doing in and through my life.
Step out and try something new or old. Just pick something that interest you and do it. God will bless your willingness to be involved.
I know that if we all come together for the good of God we will have a great spiritual breakthrough.
Just a Thought.