Sunday, June 22, 2008

Using the Storms of Life

I have recently decided to start a bird sanctuary in a corner of our back yard. In researching how to I am finding that the most natural way to begin is by using what we would normally dispose of, such as old branches and leaves even certain weeds. Who would have thought the stuff that fell in the storms last week would be just what we could us to help the birds make it through the next storm of their lives.
Isn’t it the same with our lives, many times the storms of my past have given me the strength and ability to move into the shelter of God’s protection. And then other times God has used me and my past storms to help someone going through similar times in their life.
So no matter what you have gone through in life the good and bad can be used by God if you will allow Him to work with you and through you. You never know who you may meet that needs to hear that they are not the only ones that have gone through or are going through the same storms you have weathered. Give it all to God and leave it in his hands until he is ready to use you. Everything in your life has been allowed to happen for a reason. Remember God does not give anything that is evil or bad but he will use it to His good.

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